Exhibit 1.
Abbot brags “I go into the office in the morning, sue
President Obama and then I go home.”
He’s a horse shit lawyer, he’s sued the feds 27 times and
won 5 times, costing Texans millions and millions in court fees.
Exhibit 2.
Abbot had a tree fall on him in 2004, he sued and won 10
million dollars. He is in a wheelchair for life. Immediately after he won his judgment,
he led a fight in Texas for Tort Reform (from his wheelchair) to lower
settlements like the one he won in court. If the fucking tree fell on him
today, the maximum he’d get is $250,000.
Exhibit 3.
Abbot is now suing the feds over the Americans with Disabilities
Act. (Championed by Bob Dole and signed into law by George H. W. Bush) It’s the
law that makes public buildings handicapped accessible, prevents discriminatory
hiring practices, etc. Abbot must have a magic flying wheelchair (or plenty of
burly Teas Rangers to haul his ass around) that doesn’t need curb cuts, he
doesn’t need handicapped urinals to piss in or since I’m sure as Attorney
General and probably down the road as Governor he’ll have drivers so he won’t
need to worry about handicapped parking spots.
Sick bastard.
I think we’d be much better off, as Rick Perry once hinted,
if Texas would just secede from the Union. Then we could take all our military
bases, the Johnson Space Center, cut them out of FAA airport controls and every
other piece of the federal government that they obviously despise and then move
that border fence to the Oklahoma border. Maybe we’d get really lucky and Oklahoma
would join Texas.
Best part is Texas college football teams would have to play
themselves, over and over and over.
As my old friend JB, a true “blue” Texan says, “The
Republicans in Texas have turned the state into Mississippi with good roads and
if they fuck up the schools any more than they have, smart parents will be
sending their kids to school in Nuevo Laredo.”